Board of Governors

Board of Governors (BOG)

MHC’s Board of Governors operates on a governance policy model. This means the Board focuses on broad, long-term issues such as the vision and direction of the college rather than managing day-to-day operations. The Board monitors college plans, finances and actions to ensure development of the organization is consistent with government legislation and community expectations.

There are 2 student positions available with the BOG. One position is filled by the SA President, and the second position is filled by an interested student appointed by the Executive Team.

The Board generally meets four times a year (October, December, March and May), although meetings may be altered at the discretion of the chair. Meetings are open to anyone that would like to attend followed by an in camera session (that is closed to the public) to address land, legal or labour issues.

Students, members of the public, employees and the media are welcome to attend the open meetings of the Board.